Really Present in the Eucharist
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A small, but enriching and spiritually powerful book!
- 12 Biblical Reasons for Spending One Hour
- 12 Reasons from the Teachings of the Church for Spending One Hour
- Is Jesus Really Present in The Eucharist?
- Eucharist as Reality and Crisis of Faith
- Eucharist as Presence
- Eucharist Taken for Granted
- Faith in the Real Presence
- St. Francis of Assisi and the Eucharist
- Angels and the Eucharist
- St. Anthony and the Eucharist
- St. Thomas Aquinas and the Eucharist
- Science Confirms the Real Presence
- The Doctrines of the Catholic Church
- Ten Commandments for Eucharistic Reverence
- Eucharist Our Companion in Exile
- The Tabernacle an Open Treasury
- A most encouraging Revelation
- A pledge of life-everlasting
- Invitation to visit the Blessed Sacrament
- Example of Saints
- Daily Visits
- The House of God - A miniature Heaven
- Looking at the Sacred Host
- Decline in the Reverence to the Blessed Sacrament
- Introduction Of Communion In The Hand
- Introduction of 'Extraordinary Ministers' What can be done to Reverse the Situation?
- The Eucharistic Miracles
- Prayer to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
- The Eucharistic Prayers From Fatima.
- The Prayer of Jehoshaphat.
“I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if anyone eats of the bread, he will live forever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is My Flesh.” (John 6:51)